Native Android App Development (NAAD) Training

We provide extensive training in Android. We guide, mentor and help students become self-sustaining & self-employed Software Engineers (SWE).
Our definition of Software Engineer
Our definition and qualification of Software Engineer is different. By making you a SWE, we do not mean to make you employable for SWE in FAANG. Instead we speak of it with a much broader perspective.
We believe CSE is meant to apply CS skills to solve real world problems by building solutions. That’s what engineering is all about! Identifying a problem, brainstorming and solving it by developing a product.
For us, one who is able to deploy CS skills to solve a real world problem by building software is a SWE. And most importantly, that software must be in use. Not some dummy hello world kind of stuff that sits with a single “initial commit” on your GitHub. Softwares can’t be built perfectly at once. They have to be iterated over and over again. And of course it’s hard to not give up. Building a software is a journey full of ups and downs. It will constantly challenge you. Every project is different, every client is different.
On the other side of the coin, it is a very rewarding process as :
- The product you build gives you satisfaction
- The analytics of the product usage will motivate you to keep going
- You not only learn software engineering skills but also soft skills like Speaking, Presentation and Listening skills
- Software engineering will teach you patience
- It will improve your overall understanding of CS
It’s crowded
But today the path to SWE in FAANG is very crowded. Almost everyone in CS wants to become one. And most of them just because it’s high paying job! We feel sad for such students because money alone can’t keep them going. They have to be absolutely involved in the process as software engineering is a very challenging job. Everyone can’t become one. Due to this crowd, the selection process for freshers is entirely based on DSA and CP (Competitive Programming). Well, it’s required upto a certain stage but you need not be a ninja! There are a lot of other dimensions to it. You must also have critical thinking, creative skill, imagination skill, teamwork, time management etc. in order to become SWE.
Our goal
Many think that only through DSA & CP, they can succeed. We disagree. Basic knowledge of programming, DS and a few algorithms is enough. Many SWE are revolting today against such a high cut-off for SWE. And the worst part is - what you learn to become SWE (DSA & CP) will be used the least in software engineering.
In this messed up situation, here is where we come in. Clubs in Universities are supposed to impart practical problem solving skills to students, but they failed in our university. So, we took a step ahead and built our own community - The Streamliners. We have solved many problems and built solutions. Visit our portfolio. We are not speaking of some mumbo-jumbo. Everything is in front of you. We want upcoming generations to learn the same - solve problems. Because that is what is highly valued today - the SKILLS. Skills can liberate you. You need not do a 9to5 job, you need not work to fulfill other’s dreams. Instead you can freelance, pursue entrepreneurship and freely do what you truly care for.
Software Engineering is a truly rewarding skill. It will definitely liberate you if you are willing to learn, solve & build. We can help you with this. Deepak & I (Lavish) are examples. We are students of batch 2017. We were supposed to be placed in 2021 but guess what? We didn’t even opt for college placements because we knew what we are doing here is worth much more than those silly jobs. We decided to be job creators and not job seekers. If we can do it you can too.
“Show us your enthusiasm and We’ll make sure you don’t seek placement.”
CSE Simplified
Before we dive deeper into this training thing, there is something else we need to share with you, juniors. You need to have a good understanding of what CSE is all about before starting anything new in CS. For the sake of learning, students just do Hello World of everything possible - Android, Flutter, React, Spring, Swift, Go, ML, AR etc. and never build anything that can be used by people. This is a very wrong approach. To correct your approach and understanding towards CSE, we have crafted a video series named - CSE Simplified. Watch it on YouTube to
- Understand CSE & True CSE path properly
- Clear some misconceptions
- Avoid common mistakes
- And a lot more
Made only for you, for FREE.
Series Trailer
Android Training
For now, we provide only Android training. Why? It’s explained in CSE Simplified.
Now how do we train you on Android? Again it’s different from the outside world. Courses out there teach the fundamentals and let you loose to suffer alone. But we work differently. Along with the fundamentals, we guide, mentor and help you along the way. Moreover, we provide you the opportunity to work on real world projects.
Course structure
Our course on Android consists of :
- Recorded Video sessions on YouTube
- Assignments with deadline on GCR (Google Classroom)
- Weekly LIVE doubt sessions
- Last but not the least, the course starts where the above mentioned things end. And that is - Projects! After the completion of video sessions & assignments, we provide you with a team and opportunity to work on real world problems. And that is when you will actually learn software engineering.
Recorded video sessions available FREE of cost on YouTube. But other things come at a cost.
Results so far
We have completed our first batch during Oct-Dec 2020. Students of this batch (around 10) have completed the following projects :
- Ambika Parts
- Karobar (Phase I)
- Byaaz Book and one project Loczo is ongoing.
Listen to what they have to say :
The 2nd batch started in April 2021 and is ongoing. Students (around 14) are learning Android and will soon start with projects.
- You must have good experience in programming (Preferably in C, C++ or Java).
- You must be open minded and willing to learn new things
- You must have patience. This is not a one month course. You have to commit long term (at least 3-6 months) here.
Watch the first Introductory session :
Our mission is to help students learn practical problem solving skills and build usable products.
Come join the revolution! Let’s change you first and then the world.
After having watched the Introductory session,
We’ll get in touch with you soon.
Thank you!