We solve the problem of building fast, lightweight and easy to use indoor map solution for large infrastructures.
St. Xavier's College & JECRC Univ.
Indoor Wayfindings
August 5, 2020
Think of a time when you visited a large infrastructure like exhibitions, shopping mall, university or even an airport. You might have felt that finding indoor directions for where we want to go, is difficult. It is hard to figure out in which building and on which floor a particular room or office is.
To simplify indoor wayfindings at large campuses like hospitals, universities, shopping malls etc., We build an Android app for digitalising a venue. The app allows users to view interactive floor map of entire campus. They can easily search for any room, office, lab or any other entity.

What we do?
We solve the problem of building fast, lightweight and easy to use indoor map solution for large infrastructures.
We are eagerly looking for customers. If you want your venue to be digitalized, contact us now! We will build a Unique NextGen Indoor map solution for your campus.
We are an incubated start-up @ JECRC Incubation center, JECRC University.
- Introductory video
- LocatIN for university
- Big Picture
Our service
To simplify indoor wayfindings at large campuses like hospitals, universities, shopping malls etc., We build an Android app for digitalising a venue.
The app allows users to view interactive floor map of entire campus. They can easily search for any room, office, lab or any other entity.
Our uniqueness
Following are the multitude of features we provide :
Our solution has recently been released in St. Xavier’s College, Jaipur:
Progress so far
2 Campus Digitalised
2+ years in market
5 Buildings mapped
400+ Rooms mapped

400+ Highest searches in a day
3500+ Happy users
17000+ times helped visitor find indoor location
Our indoor map solution is implemented in St. Xavier’s College, Jaipur recently & in JECRC University since 3 years.
Apply Now
Get your venue digitalised! Let visitors of your venue save time & find indoor locations effortlessly.
Universities, Hospitals, Shopping Malls, Exhibition Center or any other large infrastructure MUST APPLY!
Let’s make the visitors of your campus #AatmaNirbhar.
Let’s contribute towards an #AatmaNirbharBharat.
Interested? Get an unbeatable quotation today! Apply now by filling this form
- Smart India Hackathon 2019 Finalist
- Among Google’s Build For Digital India 2020 Top 15 teams
- TiE University Pitch Competition Jaipur chapter 2021 Runner up
Our Goal
Our goal is to build a world where
no one would get lost in large and intimidating facilities.
time would get saved…
students would reach their exam hall on time
people wouldn’t miss trains on the account of losing their way,
a patient would get assistance in a timely manner. In short, indoor wayfindings won’t be a challenge anymore.