JU eezy
JU eezy is a platform for students to ease campus life and showcase their problem solving skills. (JU = JECRC University, Jaipur)
College life streamlined
September 5, 2017
Students used to ask for Food Menu, Notes, Classroom location on WhatsApp groups. We observed this problem & took it as a challenge. On solving these problems, we found another huge problem existing in our university. It's that existing clubs didn't focus on practical real-world problem solving skills & teamwork. There was no community.
We developed an Android app with solution to problems students face in their daily campus life. Like Campus Guide, Mess Food Menu, Study Material etc. For the bigger no community & no teamwork problem, we started our own community. And this is what gave birth to The Streamliners.

Problems solved
Following are the features of the JU eezy app :
This app isn’t built overnight. It has evolved overtime. Have a look where it comes from :
JU eezy Archive
Admin app
Following is a sneak peek into the Admin panel of JU eezy app :
Where it all began
We started with an Android app having some basic features like providing Mess’s Food Menu or helping you navigate across the campus. Since then, we never stopped. Our app has evolved. Not only app, we have developed a Google Action as well. Our team also grew. We welcome anyone who has passion to create something that is actually used by thousands & millions of people daily.
Please note that we are not some sort of service providers. We are coders who believe in building something useful. We build experience. We provide a platform where students can come and showcase their talent or skills.
Everything started with just a simple problem faced on the very first day of college. Finding the LT was a headache. That wasn’t the only problem. We saw how mess admins struggled writing menu on white boards. Yeah, those were the days we came from. And we changed that! And that’s it. We faced problems and solved them using technology so that others don’t have to face them. But this doesn’t mean other students just keep enjoying our efforts. Others are supposed to find out where they can fit in, in our team. Try to find out how you (student) can help make this campus a better place so that you can change the world in future.
Is it only about Android?
We don’t want to stick to app only. Our motive is to develop the skills in you (student). Whether it be app development, web development, AR, VR, ML, AI or any technology you can implement to solve problems faced by millions daily.
The numbers
There can’t a bigger achievement than the satisfaction that usage of the solution gives. Numbers are our motivation. And they speak for themselves :

Quota exceeded
During December 2019, we released Study Material feature. It’s usage hiked overnight in such a way that Firebase’s Free quota exceeded! And our app stopped working. We optimized our app & fixed it within 24 hrs. That peak looked like this:

JU eezy gave us vision. It’s JU eezy from which the idea of LocatIN & The Streamliners came.
